溝口七生 経歴
1936 | 東京に生まれる Born in Tokyo |
1956 | 開成学園高等学校卒業、東京学芸大学入学 Graduates Kaisei Gakuen High School, enters Tokyo Gakugei University |
1960 | 東京学芸大学卒業、東京都大田区立岩井学園の教諭となる Graduates Tokyo Gakugei University and starts working as an elementary school teacher in Minamiboso. |
1965 | 光陽会展入選、以後出品を続ける Enters Koyokai Art Exhibition 東京都台東区立保田学園へ転勤 |
1971 | 光陽会展多々羅賞受賞 Tadara Award at 19th Koyokai Art Exhibition |
1972 | 第15回安井賞展入選 Selected for display at 15th Yasui Art Award Exhibition |
1975 | 光陽会展光陽会賞受賞 Koyokai Award at 23rd Koyokai Art Exhibition |
1976 | 第19回安井賞展入選 Selected for display at 19th Yasui Art Award Exhibition 千葉県展入選 Selected for display at Chiba Prefecture Art Exhibition |
1977 | 千葉美術シンポジュウム展千葉日報社賞受賞 Chiba Nippo Press Award at Chiba Art Symposium Exhibition |
1978 | 千葉県展県知事賞受賞 Governor’s Award at 30th Chiba Prefecture Art Exhibition |
1979 | 千葉美術シンポジュウム展ホルベイン賞受賞 Holbein Award at Chiba Art Symposium Exhibition |
1980 | 光陽会展文部大臣奨励賞受賞 Incentive Award of the Minister of Education at 28th Koyokai Art Exhibition 千葉美術シンポジュウム展セントラルアート賞受賞 |
1988 | 東京都文京区立岩井学園へ転勤 |
1990 | 光陽展観覧者賞受賞 Visitors’ Award at 38th Koyokai Art Exhibition |
1993 | 光陽展観覧者賞受賞 Visitors’ Award at 40th Koyokai Art Exhibition |
1994 | 光陽会を退会、教職も退職 Retires from teaching vocation, and also from Koyokai. |
1996 | コレクターが賞を選ぶ絵画展(コレ選展)入賞 Selected at Collectors’ Choice Art Exhibition |
1997 | 千葉県南総文化ホール、千葉県文化会館で個展 One man show at Chiba Prefecture Nanso Bunka Hall and at Chiba Bunka Kaikan Hall |
1998 | 「溝口七生画集」発行 Publishes Kazuo Mizoguchi Collection |
2001 | コレ選展グランプリ受賞 Grand Prix at Collectors’ Choice Art Exhibition |
2003 | 千葉県版年賀葉書に作品が採用 adopted as the design of a new year postcard issued by Japan Post Service NHK千葉FMに出演 interviewed on NHK Chiba FM radio 京葉銀行の04年版カレンダーに7点の作品が採用される Seven works adopted as the designs of a 2004 calendar issued by Keiyo Bank コレ選展グランプリ受賞 Grand Prix at Collectors’ Choice Art Exhibition |
2005 | 菱川師宣記念館にて大個展 Large scale one man show at Hishikawa Moronobu Memorial Museum in Kyonan Town |
2007 | コレ選展グランプリ受賞 Grand Prix at Collectors’ Choice Art Exhibition |
2010 | 勝山ショッピングセンターにて大個展 |
2015 | 千葉県展県展賞受賞 |
2019 | 83歳で死去 |
has held numbers of art show at Iida Gallery in Ginza, Tokyo, department stores, municipal halls, etc.